Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Cold, Rainy Tuesday in Alaska...

Hello my dear friends and family:

I hope that everyone is doing well! A busy weekend in Tampa for everyone with Jenn’s Birthday bash and Jalyn’s Birthday on Sunday. Happy Birthday to both of my wonderful sisters. I hate missing days like those, but it’s all part of my job I guess…I wish that I could have been there for all the fun! I’m told that it’s been raining a lot there, which is good. Aaron says that the yard is looking good. He’s been doing a whole lot of work in the yard. (can’t wait to see it!!!)

I’m enjoying a new cruise after last week, which was a bit of a challenge for me because of illness. My throat has decided to stop cooperating. These dumb tonsils of mine are driving me crazy. I suppose that they will have to come out at some point. The doctor onboard told me to expect continued infection until they’re gone. I told him that I hated him and that I would prove him wrong. He gave me great meds and I am feeling better already. The clean Alaska air is my friend. Singing like that is not fun, but I got through it, and people didn’t seem to notice.

I’ve finished the most amazing book I’ve read in a long time. Some of you may have seen the television special that Diane Sawyer did on it. It’s called “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. Without giving you too much information, it’s written by a professor who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and prepared his “last lecture” to his students. He chose the topic of childhood dreams. The book is absolutely unbelievable. A quick read, but the impact it had was great…I highly recommend it to you all!

I played in snow this week at the top of Mount Roberts. It was so much fun! We had to do some trespassing into avalanche danger areas. It was well worth it though.

This week, I’m preparing for Mom’s visit. We’re going to have a lot of fun. I don’t have the same connections that I had on my last ship for the tours, but we are still going to have a memorable time. I can’t wait to hug someone I’m related to…it’s been too long. I love sharing the amazing experience with my loved ones…it’s such a honor.

Time is flying by on the STAR. The weeks are a bit repetitive, but the team is so incredibly friendly! I’m having a great time. Excited just at the thought of coming home. I’m loving all the updates from you all. Marin is growing so quickly. Selah is a graduate. Hannah made OLD GIRL at school. Thank God for that. Aunt Kaye is a working woman, and Sarah is on a sabbatical. Jalyn and mom are losing weight. Jenn and Byron have opened an animal rescue center. I’m so proud of you all!

A very special happy birthday to my dear friend Bill Jacobs today!

MANY Hugs and Kisses to All of You,

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