Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm Coming Home!!!!

Hello My Dear Family and Friends (most of you fall under both of those categories, and I love that…)

With just over a week to go in this contract, I can’t help but to think back to start of it all. I was sad to leave Tampa, but optimistic and hopeful about the adventure that was before me, and what an adventure it has been! It’s been a privilege to share the stage with such an incredible cast of talented and loving individuals from all over the globe. When I’ve prayed for God to “expand my borders” I never dreamed that He would make it THIS magnificent! I’ve sang some pretty songs, met some amazing people that will be in my life forever, but most importantly, I’ve seen some more of this incredible earth that God created for us. I will take these experiences with me forever.

I thank you all for your love, prayers, and unconditional support as I’ve traveled. When I miss you all, looking at your pictures and reading your letters and emails have brought me to such a wonderful place. My cabin walls are covered with photographs of all of you and I often sit on my bed and look at the sea of faces and think, “I couldn’t be more blessed!” Thank you.

It’s nearly time to leave these great friends and head home. It is quite a challenge as you can imagine to bid farewell to a group of people that you have spent every waking moment with for the last several months, but everyone is headed home to loving family and friends and we are all grateful for that.

I look forward to seeing you all more than you can know. I’d be honored for you to come to my new place and sit with me while we catch up on the last few months. If we get tired of sitting, we can take a walk in the park!! It’s hard to believe that Aaron has been living at the new house at 4th and 4th for four months, and I’ve not even stepped foot in it… I am counting the minutes until I’m able to explore it all for myself.

On Sunday, Jenn, B, Selah, and Grandma board the Star Princess for last tour of Alaska! I am thrilled by their visit. Selah and Marin are practically celebrities within my cast and everyone is quite eager to meet Sweet Selah. One of the dancers, Leanne from Australia, has actually bought the 3-D movie of Hannah Montana in preparation for Selah’s arrival. She called me in my cabin and was going on and on about how excited she was that the DVD came with four pairs of 3-D glasses, so we could all watch it together…such kindness. I’m excited about the times we will share next week. I love singing for loved ones. It brings my heart to such an incredible place to look out into the audience which is usually filled with strangers and see the people that I love the most. Singing for Grandma though is my VERY FAVORITE! I see her as the start of this families love for music and know that she passed that on to her children, grandchildren, and now even her great-grandchildren, so it’s always such a thrill and honor to sing for her.

That cruise ends on September 21st, and while the rest of the clan is staying one extra night in Seattle, I’m heading straight home thanks to my wonderful travel planner with the office! I’m flying out in the 12 o’clock hour Pacific time and flying to Las Vegas. I’m in Vegas for less than an hour and then head straight for Tampa and will land just before Midnight Eastern. How perfect is that?? I will see you all soon…

(the PRIDE of Alaska)

Well my friends…she’s the best! Despite the liberal media’s attempt at a witch-hunt, she is proving to be full of character, strength, determination, and humility. I list those characteristics before her political credentials because I believe we need someone with strong personal convictions more so than we need someone who has had their eye on Washington for years.
Her executive experience in the state of Alaska is celebrated so highly up here. She is a hero to the people of Alaska. CNN may attempt to discredit her approval rating by blaming it on her nurturing manner and kind demeanor, but it is in fact her policies that make her so beloved in this state. She has thrown the old rules out the window and challenged the “norm” with every single decision that she has made. Without hesitation, she has fought corruption on BOTH sides, which is hardly ever done anymore because of ridiculous partisan politics. She doesn’t pay attention to party affiliation, but stands on values and convictions and will stop at nothing to see the truth brought to light. She has lead the people of Alaska with a level headed kind of leadership that is bearly (ha ha ha) ever seen anymore.

I encourage you all to read up on her. Go to a bipartisan website that you trust (not CNN and not Fox News) and find out for yourselves where she stands, and what rumors are worth our time to investigate. The democrats are attempting to cheapen her in every single way that they can. They hate her for the whole “bridge to nowhere” scandal, but think of it this way. When she was running for Governor, she (as any person would) supported the federal funding to bring money to her state, but after being seated in the office as Governor and learning the details of this project, she dismissed it. She shocked everyone up here when she did that. That proves that she leads with a good balance of mind and heart.

The rumors of removing books out of the public library in her hometown of Wasilla, where she was mayor…completely false.

The rumors of her allowing hunters to shoot wolves from planes in the state of Alaska, a practice that has been illegal since the seventies…completely TRUE.
The videos that CNN are showing of the wolves being shot are sad and disturbing. It brings flashbacks to Bambi’s mom and tugs at our hearts, but why did she choose to allow this practice?
People in Alaska, especially the natives rely heavily on moose to feed their families and by allowing the CONTROLLED hunting of wolves, the population is being kept under control and keeping the number of moose up. That’s level headed leadership.
I read in Newsweek that for years, Sarah and her husband caught all the fish and shot all the meat that their family consumed. Wow.
That’s the kind of person I want representing me. Someone who knows the reason that God made animals…to serve man and to feed us. How did we become so jaded to think that we should pass laws to protect polar bears before our own quality of life?? Don’t polar bears eat people anyways??

Sorry to be on my soapbox about this…it’s just crazy when you think about how backwards things have become.

Investigate for yourself…
She’s cool.
Read about how she’s suing the federal government for standing in the way of using Alaska’s natural resources! WE MADE THIS BEAUTIFUL PLACE A STATE BECAUSE OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES THAT IT OFFERED OUR COUNTRY, and now, crazy environmentalists are standing in the way of tapping in to those valuable gifts. Alaska is big my friends…I promise you won’t see drills when you cruise, they’ll be far away from the shores and everyday life, while bringing us what we so desperately need. (oil from our own soil)

I’m Jamie Johnson, and I approve the message.