Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Special Visitors!!

These pictures say it all!!

These photos say it all...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I watch a whole lot of CNN. Please don’t fault me for the station choice, it’s all I have. Although the reporting is quite slanted, as it is on ALL channels, the subject matters cannot be altered. As I watch what is going on in our country, and the rest of the world all that comes into my mind is the word, “transition.” Our country has an enormous decision to make in just a couple of months time. We are seeing obvious signs of difficult economic times and many people are looking to a new leader to fix that for us. People are losing their homes, living without health care, some aren’t able to fill their gas tanks, and we think that a new President is going to fix all of this for us?

In my own personal journey, I see transitions happening to almost everyone that I love. Selah began school on Monday; the start of her academic journey. Matt and Sarah are just a few weeks away from hearing where they are going to live for the next several years for Matt’s residency. Marin is days away from walking without the help of her toy cart; the first on millions of steps that she will take on her journey. So many people in my life, including myself, are looking for career transitions. Although it is a humbling experience to not know where your next paycheck will come from, I’ve found peace in knowing that God has us all EXACTLY where He wants us to be…solely dependant on HIM!

I never take this so far as to say, “I’m not concerned with any of this, God will handle it all.” I believe that God will deal with anything and everything that is on our hearts, but a lot of times WE are HIS best instruments for making all of the wonderful blessings take place. Although I refuse to sit back and not do anything for my own success, I also refuse to lose my peace of mind over worrying about something that God is in control of.

I suppose the reason I’m on my soapbox about this subject is the fact that I wish that we could ALL adopt this mindset concerning our futures. Whether it’s the future of our government, or our most precious loved ones, I see nothing but wonderful affects coming from living like this. We are all in charge of our joy, and I pray that more and more people come to the understanding that whether it’s a dark day, or a bright day, that God has so many blessings in store for us, and all we have to do is EXPECT them.

“If there’s anyone here tonight who has not obeyed the gospel, please come forward as we sing all 14 verses of Trust and Obey.”


Thanks for listening to me ramble.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Update from the Star Princess...

Happy Birthday to Matt Fox today...and TIKI pup.

Carol and Jenn arrive tomorrow in Seattle.

CRAZY week this cruise!!

One night the weather was so bad the captain came over the loud speaker and asked everyone to sit down where they were...that has never happended to me on a ship. (bad weather was to blame)

On another night, a fire broke out in one of the kitchens. That has ALSO never happended to me...everything turned out fine, but it was NUTS!

Maybe it's just God trying to keep me from being bored...

MUCH love to you all!

Me singing...

For those of you how aren't able to come to the is a song I sing in one of the shows.