Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Cold, Rainy Tuesday in Alaska...

Hello my dear friends and family:

I hope that everyone is doing well! A busy weekend in Tampa for everyone with Jenn’s Birthday bash and Jalyn’s Birthday on Sunday. Happy Birthday to both of my wonderful sisters. I hate missing days like those, but it’s all part of my job I guess…I wish that I could have been there for all the fun! I’m told that it’s been raining a lot there, which is good. Aaron says that the yard is looking good. He’s been doing a whole lot of work in the yard. (can’t wait to see it!!!)

I’m enjoying a new cruise after last week, which was a bit of a challenge for me because of illness. My throat has decided to stop cooperating. These dumb tonsils of mine are driving me crazy. I suppose that they will have to come out at some point. The doctor onboard told me to expect continued infection until they’re gone. I told him that I hated him and that I would prove him wrong. He gave me great meds and I am feeling better already. The clean Alaska air is my friend. Singing like that is not fun, but I got through it, and people didn’t seem to notice.

I’ve finished the most amazing book I’ve read in a long time. Some of you may have seen the television special that Diane Sawyer did on it. It’s called “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. Without giving you too much information, it’s written by a professor who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and prepared his “last lecture” to his students. He chose the topic of childhood dreams. The book is absolutely unbelievable. A quick read, but the impact it had was great…I highly recommend it to you all!

I played in snow this week at the top of Mount Roberts. It was so much fun! We had to do some trespassing into avalanche danger areas. It was well worth it though.

This week, I’m preparing for Mom’s visit. We’re going to have a lot of fun. I don’t have the same connections that I had on my last ship for the tours, but we are still going to have a memorable time. I can’t wait to hug someone I’m related to…it’s been too long. I love sharing the amazing experience with my loved ones…it’s such a honor.

Time is flying by on the STAR. The weeks are a bit repetitive, but the team is so incredibly friendly! I’m having a great time. Excited just at the thought of coming home. I’m loving all the updates from you all. Marin is growing so quickly. Selah is a graduate. Hannah made OLD GIRL at school. Thank God for that. Aunt Kaye is a working woman, and Sarah is on a sabbatical. Jalyn and mom are losing weight. Jenn and Byron have opened an animal rescue center. I’m so proud of you all!

A very special happy birthday to my dear friend Bill Jacobs today!

MANY Hugs and Kisses to All of You,

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to BOTH of my WONDERFUL SISTERS!!!

(a poem I wrote for Jenn's 30th)

To my wonderfully talented, beautiful, kind-hearted sister Jenn,
on her 30th Birthday…

June the nineteenth is quite a special day,
For that is when she entered the world, and stole their hearts away.

Jim and Janice could finally be called Mom and Dad,
Which make lots of people awfully glad.

They decided on Jennifer Leann as her name,
And softball, singing, and chasing boys would be her best games.

She always stayed quite busy at school,
Not so much with studying, but all the kids knew she was cool.

People would drive from miles around to hear her sweet voice sing;
Then it was time to celebrate, for she was graduating from King!

She went to FC and joined all the groups.
She toured with the “Friends”, and her belt ran out of loops!

They bought her new pants to wear on the stage,
Many named her “Fat Girl” which caused her no rage.

She then lived with April off of Bruce B. Downs.
Those days were filled with fun and laughter; there was no time to frown.

She went on four dates,
And just like that…she found her mate!

His name was John Byron, and he sang her nice songs,
But many thought he wanted to see her thong.

The wedding day quickly arrived,
And thanks to many prayers, Janice survived.

Addresses; they’ve had too many,
But all were smart moves to save their pennies.

Then along came a gift,
That gave everyone a MUCH needed lift.

Her name was Sweet Selah, an angel from above.
She came at the perfect time bringing with her hope, joy and love.

By becoming a mother, her heart continued to grow.
What would come next? Who could know?

She wanted to share the amazing gift of motherhood.
Although most doubted, she knew in her heart that she could.

And for her special new friends, she carried two precious babies,
Both of which are growing fast into lovely little ladies.

Those who witnessed her strength stood in awe at the door,
For no act so unselfish had any one of us ever seen before.

So what comes next for this beautiful young woman?
Some may be asking?

Many years filled with peace, success, laughter and MUCH love…
For THAT is everlasting!


May God continue to bless and protect you my sweet sister,
All my love,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

4th and 4th...

This is a beautiful photo that Carol took of the new house! The kitchen is so awesome and this picture shows it off so well.

Well done Aaron.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Long Awaited Blog...

Hello Blog Community!

I hope this entry finds you all doing well. (the three of you who read this)

First things first: Allow me to apologize for my lack of entries. The hand-over process on the STAR Princess has been SO MUCH more extensive than any other task I have been a part of before. I am thrilled to say that it is complete, and I now have more free time than anyone I know, besides Marin. I promise to make up for it by sharing all that you have missed during the last month or so. In order to do that, we’re going to have to head back to LA.

I enjoyed the most wonderful weekend with the Poarch family to celebrate Hunter’s graduation from Pepperdine. Hailey flew in, and we were able to catch up on all the fun. Sally Largen (Hailey’s former roommate) drove ALL THE WAY from Studio City and picked me up in Santa Clarita. We had a good talk in the car on the way to the home of Mike, Robyn, Ruby and Bolen. She’s a long-time friend of their family and we were able to catch up on each other’s lives and what we’ve missed since out last time together last year. Once we arrived at their house, the fun began and NEVER stopped. MANY hugs and kisses LOTS of games and laughter and even MORE food. Tommy and Wicky were in town and Hunter brought a couple friends from school.
After hours of laughter, Sally, Hailey, and I went to Sally’s apartment to sleep. We didn’t sleep much. Stayed up and laughed, and before we knew it, it was time to get up for church. We went to church where Robyn and Mike attend. It was fine. Good doughnuts. Ruby sat in my lap for part of the service…that made my day. She’s adorable. We had lunch at Panera Bread and then spent the rest of the day back at Robyn and Mike’s house.

I got back to my apartment with enough time to prepare for the coming week of rehearsals. Four FULL production shows and a Welcome Aboard show is A LOT to learn. The final week of rehearsals went well. My teacher, Noelle is a dear friend to me. We actually shared an apartment for part of my extended time in LA last year, so she made my time as painless as possible. Flying to the ship was wonderful! We flew into Seattle on the morning we boarded, so we didn’t have to get a hotel. I was exhausted once I got onboard, but after a quick tour and MANY phone calls home, I was able to catch up on some sleep. (a car picked me up at 3am that morning!!)

I love exploring a new ship. It’s like introducing yourself to a new friend. There’s something so special about the first step you take when you board. I always say a little prayer as I walk on. I pray that my time on board is safe and fun and filled with many learning experiences…so far, so good!
The ship is HUGE! I am still finding new places. The theatre is beautiful and overall, I just has a lot more to offer than my last ship. I miss having fewer passengers though. This one is very crowded compared to the Island Princess.

Alaska is more beautiful than when I left it. MUCH more snow. I’m loving it so much. The air up here is tremendously clean, and I’m thrilled to be back in Alaska. I love sharing it with people and watching their faces the first time they experience it.

Two weeks ago, there were special visitors on the STAR. Dan Radde and Bill Jacobs are friends of mine and Aaron’s that we met though Aaron’s work. It was a mere coincidence that they booked on my ship, but none the less, it was so wonderful to see them and spend time with them! They came with a good bit of their family…lots of new friends. They all kept me entertained. Dan and Bill are such fun people. We were able to share a couple of meals and go whale watching. (the most memorable whale watching I’ve experienced! Whales, sea lions, sea otters, deer, black bears, and and eagle) A whale jumped out of the water which took my breath away. My schedule was a bit hectic with rehearsals, but every spare second I had, I spent with them. Wonderful people…they made my month. It’s always so nice to have loved one’s on the ship.

A co-worker friend of Jalyn’s named Karen was also on board that week as well. She was SO FUNNY! She spoke SO HIGHLY of Jalyn as everyone does. It made me feel good talking to her. Just hearing her talk about Jalyn and things back in Tampa made me feel at home. She and her husband came with a big group of people, and I met every single one of them. Nice people. (we took lots of pictures together)

This last week was my last week of rehearsals! Hunter Poarch joined me for a cruise. He was the easiest guest I’ve ever had. I had signed him on, so he stayed in my room, and somehow the week felt extremely normal! It was by far the busiest I had been thus far with rehearsals, but Hunter just went hiking in all the ports while I worked and then watched the shows at night. He had me laughing so much. For those of you who don’t know him well…he’s one of the most laid back people that I have ever met. Anything goes with Hunter. It was his first cruise, so he was a bit in shock about most things. He couldn’t believe that the food was free and how big the ship was. He couldn’t believe that we had a room steward. (he got used to that VERY quickly) On the second night he was here, I met him back in my room after a show and I asked him if he was hungry. He told me that he has eaten a couple of hours ago, but could eat again. I told him that I was planning on ordering some dinner and he sort of hesitated to get anything. I thought that he might be thinking about the cost, so I communicated to him that room service was free and he nearly hit the roof. He ordered everything on the menu and laughed as he ate it. It made me so happy to watch him enjoy himself as much as he did. A great way for him to celebrate graduating. He became fast friends with EVERY SINGLE member of my cast, including my teacher from the head office. He amazes me. He left on Sunday to make the long trip across the country to Virginia to start his new job. MANY prayers for him as he travels and begins a new adventure.

Now I can catch up on sleep and blogging. I haven’t been to a Wal-Mart since my very first week onboard…that proves how busy I’ve been! I normally go at least once a week. It’s a highlight for me!

I assume that everyone that is reading this has already seen my new house! It went through!! Praise the Lord. I haven’t seen photos of the inside yet, but from what I hear, Aaron is doing such an amazing job with it. I knew he would. I can’t describe the feeling of not being there for that whole process. Aaron called last week and was sitting at the dinner table with some of our friends for a meal and my stomach turned. I will be so eager to see it when I finish here. Thanks to EVERYONE that has helped with this huge process. It means more than you know. This house is a HUGE miracle and having you all as a part in it makes it all the better. The BIGGEST thanks to Aaron for all he is doing.

MUCH love to all.
Happy Birthday to Aaron on June 4th.

Here is my mailing information if any of you care about me:

Jamie Johnson
Guest Entertainer
Entertainment Department
M/V Star Princess
Quay Cruise Agencies
21905 64th Ave., Suite 301-B
Mountlake Terrace USA, Washington 98043