Tuesday, July 22, 2008

RIP Estelle Getty...

Hello All!

Greetings for the Last Frontier. I’m ready to be done saying that. I can truly say that Alaska is the most beautiful place I have ever been, but honestly, traveling this much in the last couple years has taught me that there is nothing more beautiful than HOME! By home, I’m not necessarily referring to the Hills of Zephyr, but more so where my loved ones are. I can’t wait to be home with all of you, share my new home with you, and hear all about what I’ve missed while I’ve been away. Selah is starting kindergarten. Marin is close to walking. It’s time to come home.
Things here are excellent! The cast is friendlier than any other team I have been a part of and that makes work so much more enjoyable. No conflicts, just joy…We all care so much about each other and provides such a sense of security and for that, I’m grateful.
Thank you for all the wonderful correspondence! I can’t tell you how excited I get on Sundays when I get back on the ship to start another cruise and I have letters and cards from you guys. It’s always such a nice surprise! Jalyn sent me some new photos of the girls. I’m in awe of what’s happening to them. Beautiful.
Grandma sent me a letter and the clipping from the newspaper announcing mine and Aaron’s purchase of 4th and 4th. I loved seeing that. Besides my checking account balance, I really had no proof that I actually owned it, so thanks to Grandma, I believe it!
Mom sent me a card that sang to me as I opened it. That was a wonderful surprise. She wrote me a short novel sharing her heart with me, a beautiful letter that I’ve read several times. We had such a great visit, and reading the letter reminds me of all of our fun times together.
Aunt Kaye has sent me a couple INFORMATIVE letters, which I LOVE! She updates me on her and Uncle David and of course Sarah and Hannah. I love reading them, and everyone that sees the letters on my desk inquires about her beautiful penmanship. I enjoy getting those updates a great deal and appreciate the time and effort she must put in to that.
Carol sent me a care package with new music and pictures along with a handmade card and some treats that remind me of late nights at her house. Carol could teach seminars on how to make someone’s day. She is so gifted in that arena.
Believe it or not, Aaron actually sent me a card! I didn’t know what to do when I saw it sitting in my box. I smiled when I saw the return address was the new house. He pretty much told me that he couldn’t care less when I come home, but that Tiki misses me every single day. (I’ll take that as Aaron’s own way of telling me he wants me home…at least I tell myself that!)
Jenn never writes.
Yesterday, when I got back onboard, I had the very best surprise though…A CARD FROM HANNAH! When I saw her name on the envelope, I immediately started to cry and told my friend that I was standing with how special it was that I was getting mail from her. Her words were beautiful and sincere. God’s timing with her journey has amazed me. The horrible times in the past will all be worth it when she’s back home. Visiting her before I left I KNEW in my heart that she was a transformed young lady. The work isn’t done, but it isn’t ever done for ANY OF US! It’s all a journey, and it’s so important to appreciate the valleys as much as the peaks. I’m so thankful that places like Steppin Stone exist for situations like this one. God is good.

I hate to sound like Oprah with the book recommendations, but I’ve got another one that you MUST READ!
The Shack.
Without telling you too much, it’s about a man who is suffering through the loss of his little girl. She was abducted and there is proof of her murder. This proof was found in a remote shack.
Four years after the kidnapping, he receives a note inviting him to the shack for a weekend. The note is signed by someone claiming to be God.

That is all I am going to tell you about the plot.
Read it!!!!!!
I warn you of the intensity. It’s CRAZY, but more fulfilling than any other book I have EVER READ!
It perfectly answers the question, “Where is God during chaos and turmoil?”
Read it, and then pass it on to someone who needs it.
Robbie Brown in who called me with the recommendation. I will be forever grateful to him for it. Without exaggerating, it truly was life-altering to read this book.

In less than two months, I will be HOME! I’m counting the days.
In the meantime however, Carol and Jenn are coming to visit on August 3rd, and then the following cruise Matt and Sarah are coming along with Dr. and Mrs. Pancotto! That is going to be two crazy weeks. I’m so blessed by all of these wonderful visitors. My friends onboard can’t seem to get enough of my friends and family. I can’t either.
The newest development with visitors is Jenn, B, Selah, and Grandma coming for the last cruise of the Alaska season! That is going to be incredible!!!! I will be overwhelmed with joy having them all on at once. It will make packing much easier for me after I bribe one of them to bring an empty suitcase with them to help with my ridiculous amount of STUFF. Jenn and Byron will have their room, I’m getting Grandma HER own room, and I’m hoping that Selah will want to “campout” with Uncle in OUR own room. I’ve already gone through my DVD collection to see what she will enjoy. I brought Matilda, Pippy Longstocking, Annie, and Free Willy…so that should cover a few hours of entertainment for her.
Thanks to Byron for arranging this.
It will be magical.
It just seems so right them coming on my last cruise and bringing me home with them. I’m thrilled just at the thought!

Please keep your eyes and ears open for used cars that are for sale and good jobs that will pay me ridiculous amounts of money. Thank you.

I love you all and feel your love all the time.
Thinking of you with every note I sing.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Mom Visits Me...

We've had the most amazing time. The most perfect Alaska weather I've seen in my two seasons here...

Many memories made.

More to come...